
U3/111 kelvin rd, Maddington 6109
WA Australia

Opening hours

We are open 5 days a week from 9am!

Why choose Amazing Clean Lesmurdie?


The team at Amazing Clean Blinds Lesmurdie and Midland consists of Jill, Rob and Adrian Sutton.

These 3 cleaning service experts have a wealth of experience in blind maintenance.

As locals themselves for the past 25 years, they offer a complete blind cleaning and repair service as only Amazing Clean Blinds can.

Just call the number above to organise FREE quotes and appointments. In most cases, the team can pick up your blinds, clean them, return them and rehang them all on the same day. A replacement blind/blade service is also available.

Currently the Amazing Clean Lesmurdie workshop is home based in Wattle Grove, but customers are welcome to drop off blinds at the residence provided they call ahead.

When professionalism and results matter you can rely on Amazing Clean. The team provide free quotes and usually turn around your blind maintenance requirements on the same day.

Amazing Clean Midland have been part of the "Amazing" franchise family since 2001 and they also operate Amazing Clean Blinds Lesmurdie ensuring they cover the whole area around Midland and the Hills right up to the Mundaring region. Please give the professional blind cleaning team a ring and they will be delighted to assist you.

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Services Offered

Blind Repairs & Cleaning

Blind Repairs & Cleaning

New Blinds

New Blinds

Awning Repairs & Cleaning

Servicing Australia for over 25 Years

Why Choose Amazing Clean?

Contaminants such as bacteria, dust mites and mould add to the indoor biomass which can affect a person’s health. Amazing Clean is WA’s leading curtain and blind cleaning specialist. With the use of Ultrasonic cleaning technology, the professional home and commercial premises blind, awning & curtain cleaners specialise in eradicating these health hazards, providing customers with a healthier home and work space, and restored, rejuvenated window furnishings.

Amazing Clean is a licensee for HealthGuard, a biotech disease prevention solution which uses non-invasive anti-bed buganti-dust mite and anti-microbial treatments for optimal results.  

Amazing Clean is recommended by the BMAA: Blind Manufacturers Association of Australia and the professional window furnishing & upholstery cleaning business is also a part of the Franchise Council of Australia (FCA).

Amazing Clean Lesmurdie and Midland Testimonials

“Jill is always so pleasant to deal with. The products are high quality with super fast install times.
Would not hesitate to recommend.”

“This is the 2nd time I've used Amazing Clean Blinds and each time my blinds have looked great after they've been cleaned.

Amazing Clean's prices are extremely reasonable given they come to you, take the blinds down, take them away, clean them, bring them back and hang them. I had 13 blinds cleaned and it cost $360 which I think is very reasonable given the time and effort required if I was to clean them myself - they just wouldn't get done.

Most of all (and important for me) the staff are friendly and knowledgeable.

So - if you need your blinds cleaned (like I did) I have no problems in recommending Amazing Clean Blinds (Lesmurdie and Garden City are run/owned by the same great people).”