
U1, 117 Power Rd, Boronia 3155
VIC Australia

Opening hours

We are open 5 days a week from 9am!

Why choose Amazing Clean Essendon?

David & Julie bought an Amazing Clean franchise to become part of a 70 strong network of Amazing Clean franchises offering a suite of cleaning services - from ultrasonic blind cleaning, curtain cleaning, upholstery care and mattress cleaning & sanitation.

They are one of the select few to provide clients with a one stop cleaning shop. David & Julie feel as though they have tapped into a budding niche market with many of their clients spanning diverse sectors - resorts, hotels and real estates and more, all who are looking for a cleaning service that provides thorough cleaning and a quick turnaround.

Many of Amazing Clean’s clients are resorts, hotels and property managers who are looking for a cleaning service that will provide thorough cleaning with a quick turnaround. David and his staff provide their clients the convenience of a same day service.

Amazing Clean Blinds & Curtains have an extremely strong following and have been in operation in the local area for many years. They also stock thousands of parts for all types of blinds and curtains.

When it comes to blind cleaning Amazing Clean Essendon understand your requirements need to be of the highest standard. They also understand that there are certain time frames that need to be adhered to so there is a minimum of disruption to your home or commercial premises. Amazing Clean will work with you in order to provide a cost effective, fast, reliable and professional service. They are also trained to repair all makes of blinds and if necessary, recommend and supply new blinds to suit all tastes and budgets.

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Services Offered

Blind Repairs & Cleaning

Blind Repairs & Cleaning

New Blinds

New Blinds

Awning Repairs & Cleaning

Servicing Australia for over 25 Years